A dreamer's musings

You need a goal, the brain said.

A vision that draws your eyes,
And your mind will follow likewise.
A journey without a destination,
Will dump you in an unknown station.
"A million myriad sights in my horizon, I can count,"
Exclaimed eyes, "What if the last one is unfound?"

Check the possibility of success, the brain said.
Do you have proof that your arms will support,
That, the weight of your dreams they can hold?
A journey which cannot be completed,
Is no better than the one that is not started.
"How will I know my strength unless I stretch",
Whispered arms, "Possibilities of what I can fetch?"

You need to have a plan the brain said.
Steps that ably guide your feet,
Unambiguous, solid and neat.
A journey without a route,
Is an uncharted, wasted pursuit.
"As I walk, I could stumble and steady on my path",
Dreamed the feet, "Do I have to worry about the math?"

Measure how far you have come the brain said,
Does your heart beat the optimal way?
Knowing when to speed and when to delay?
A journey ignorant of the steps you have covered,
Will destroy the plan and leave you flustered.
"A lifetime of measured beats without a spasm",
Sighed the heart, "Why not a single erratic rhythm?"

Plan for the roadblocks and risks, the brain said,
The gut cannot refuse to absorb the indigestible,
Are you ready at all times to make yourself capable?
A journey without a solid plan B,
Will gag at the hint of trouble you see!
But quick came the guts indignant reprise,
"I can surely swallow any kind of surprise!"

This time let the sulking brain take the back seat,
And watch the heart, limbs, eyes, gut and feet,
Wander their way through pits and falls,
And not worry about the problems and pitfalls,
Oh for the universe to let the dreamer win,
Even if the victory is submerged in the logical din.


  1. Words with deep meaning woven into a more meaningful journey of the self! Thanks


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