Texture of longing


Our lives are bound together by many things we want. Love, happiness, success, comfort, money. Satisfaction …….the list could go on. But isnt the common factor  the word “ want”

“ Wants are the threads that carry us through our lives.”

Wanting  to fill our lungs with air is our body’s want without which we cannot live.

Very often we feel the depth of our want but fail to recognise other’s desires. We often feel that others  do not recognise our longing.

Is it because  we all long in such different ways ?

Is it because the rules of fulfillment are so different for each of us, so natural yet so different?

In the texture of longing, I explore  a few  paths that longing could take for each of us, using the metaphor of the 5 elements of nature. 

As you traverse with us on these paths, do turn the mirror inward if you feel like, and explore your own longing.

Texture of my longing : Air

I sweep, I flutter I float

I float with my longing and spread

Spread into  hearts waiting for my touch

Touch, mix and rise in their form

Form imaginary worlds devoid of reason

Reasons that may bring reality

I sweep, I flutter I float

I float uncharted, as my compass, I forget

Forget my longing, the reason for my quest

Quest that was meant  to find my space

Space strong enough to hold my light desires

I sweep, I flutter I float

Texture of my longing : Earth

I wait, I watch, I listen

I listen to my longing buried deep inside 

Deep inside the earth smothered by layers

By layers of stones called reasons

Reasons why it should not erupt

Erupt with a force beyond my control

I wait, I watch I listen

I listen for my  understanding

Understanding of the buried desires

Desires that are calling out,thirsting for acknowledgement

Acknowledgement  from me of their need to exist

I wait, I watch I listen

Texture of my longing :Water

I gush, I cascade, I flow

I flow with the tide of my longing

Longing that always seeks to move

Move and drench and quench

Quench the desire  in my droplets

My droplets each enveloping my longing

I gush, I cascade, I flow

I overflow the boundaries of my banks

My banks , my guide, the reasons

Reasons  to drown my  murmurs

MY murmurs that roar my desire

I gush, I cascade, I flow

Texture of my longing :Fire

I crackle, I leap, I lunge

I lunge into my longing and burn

Burn  bright setting the world ablaze

A blaze which is hungry for  fuel

Fuel, explosive, and self destructive  called reason

Reason why my desires should be tamed

I crackle, I leap, I lunge

I lunge with abandon right into the center

The center  of yearning which is burning hot

Burning hot but without  the elusive warmth

Warmth that my fire may never give me

I crackle, I leap, I lunge

Texture of my longing : Sky

I linger, I lounge, I spread

I spread mingling seamlessly with my longing 

My longing that flutters on the wings on the cloud

Clouds that are shaped by reasons

Reasons  for them to dissipate into rain

Rain that washes my longing away

I linger, I lounge, I spread

I spread  unbounded by ,limits

Limits  that could have helped me condense

Condense my desires and reflect

Reflect the longing I could have been

I linger, I lounge, I spread

A request to Longing

My longing, my precious twin,

Born with me, and mingled in my soul.

My longing, my final destination,

You propel me to move towards my goal

I accept you in whatever form you be

Just never ever separate from me.


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