A thousand connections


The universe and me, What could the connection be?

Am I your daughter, much loved and always forgiven?

Free to grow and play, dance and live as I will, in your pavilion?

Or  Am I your caretaker, entrusted with the task of ensuring your existence?

Always alert, on guard against those trying to destroy your subsistence?

Am I your citizen,  governed by your rules and regulations?

Living and Loving the part I play, confident in your competence?

Or Am I your ruler, having conquered your  heights with my might?

Holding you in my hands with the power to protect or neglect?

Am I your friend, so close that we are indistinguishable from one another?

Listening and being heard even though we do not  whisper or utter a word ?

Or Am I your devotee in awe of  your presence, your power, your name,?

Lost in prayer, unable to fathom the beginning or end of your game?

Am I your lover, yearning to unravel your mysteries and your beauty?

Lost in you as you loose yourself in my zest, forgetting your duty?

Or Am I a mere spectator, watching you with mild interest?

Both of us pursuing our paths,  which may occasionally intersect?

The universe and me, What could the connection be?

I stand in your expanse, my questioning palms upturned to you

A thousand threads bind us, Which  of them could be true?

Maybe-"We are connected"- That acknowledgement will do?


  1. Hi. I have been trying to locate you ever since I read your story in the Deccan in 2017. Please give me a mail id or some means to communicate with you. I need to talk to you. Thanks.


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