The Loving Traffic Signal


 Title: The Loving Traffic Signal

Age: 4 to 8 years


I wake with a start, at the sound of the truck,

I can’t believe that I have overslept!

I quickly shake the sleep out of my head,

 This will not do, a traffic signal cannot go to bed.


 I love my job and everyone loves me too,

It is actually simple, what I have to do.

I have to wink at all the vehicles passing me,

In green, red, and orange- the colours three.


 The cars wait for me to turn green,

I oblige everyone, I am not mean.

The pedestrians wait for red to pass through,

I love my job and everyone loves me too.



Every morning, I stand, alert and ready to start,

With a song on my lips and smile in my heart.

I make sure that the city moves smoothly,

So that everyone will love me profusely.



 I blink the green light cheerfully,

The drivers smile and are happy.

Making people smile is what I like to do,

You see, I love my job and everyone loves me too.


        Then it is the turn for red,

Suddenly, I close my ears with dread.

People are shouting, mad with anger,

They scream,” Oh this wait!” how much longer?



My heart is sad; I don’t like this brawl,

I don’t like people not liking me at all!

That day I make a decision,

I will no longer turn red, for any reason!


So I puff my cheeks and hold my breath,

I do not allow my switch to blink red.

I will let the vehicles breeze through forever,

Nothing will stop them, now or never.



Instead of “Thank you” and “Good Job”,

I hear the honking of vehicles which have stopped.

Everyone is shouting at everyone, and at me!

What went wrong, I just wanted everyone to be happy!


A policeman comes and opens the door on my back,

He gives a twist and a knocks some sense into my head.

If I love my job and do it well, not everyone will love me all the time,

If I want everyone to love me all the time, I cannot do my job well.



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