A not so great Holiday- a story poem for 6 to 10


 A not so great Holiday- a story poem for 6 to 10

Hello Mummy, Hurray, It’s a holiday!

I woke up like a good kid,

I brushed my teeth and ate my cereal,

And I have a lot of time till my next meal.

I am bored and I called you to ask,

what can I play today?


I think I will ride the cycle,

The one given to me by Shamu Uncle?

I will press the horn and make it go pom pom!

Everyone will surely hear the sound!


No, you say… Daddy at home has a concall!

Just the day I get to be at home after all!

I have to play somewhere outdoors?

Ok sure, after all I am four!         


But mummy, what can I play today?


I know, I will run up and down the stairs,

It is a little dusty but who cares!

I will count each step and shout “Boo”

Every time, I jump 2 steps in a row!


No, you say… it is against the building rules?

Why are these grownups so cruel?

I have to play something that’s allowed

Ok fine, I will listen to you, I will not pout!                


But mummy, what can I play today?


I know, the swimming pool is the place to be,

I have learnt to swim underwater you see!

I will throw a coin and dive down

And come back up with the coin and maybe also a crown!


No, you say…. The pool hours are seven to ten?

What is the use of summer vacation then?

I have to play an indoor game?

Ok fine, I will listen to you, but that’s so lame!



But mummy, what can I play today?

Don’t be angry, I know you are busy.

Wait, to this plan you must agree!


 I will play war war with my Avengers

I will have them fight in the balcony

They will fight to the finish,

Till one of them falls off   from floor twenty three!


No, you say…. That’s unsafe

Mummy, don’t scold, I do know how to behave

Fine then! I will slouch on the couch

And watch TV, dont blame me that I grouch!

I think all the grown ups are crazy

They invent so many fun things daily,

And then invent rules  infinity

So that you use them barely!

If I could make a world  for real,

I would banish the rules, I feel.

My world would not obey gravity,

So that my avengers wont fall actually!

My world  will let you fly on a wing

From the twenty third floor , zing!

My world will  will have flaps for your ears

So that daddy is not disturbed for years!

In my world, mommy wont be busy

She will always be near me!

Now that I have made this world mommy,

What fun I will have, wait and see!

I will just move to the my own world,

Take your time mummy,  I know you need some

But hey dont forget to call me back when you come.







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